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The Peret Food Pantry

Est. 2002

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Matthew 25:40

Reserve Your Spot

Tuesday : 1 - 2PM

Thursday : 9 - 12PM

 Saturday : 9 - 12PM

If you are an individual or family in need, sign up today for one of our spots to pick up bags of groceries for your family on the days designated above.


There are two ways you can reserve your spot:


  1. Go to the link below to reserve your spot today to participate in our Client Choice pantry model.





2.   Contact our call center. 

CALL : 203-333-3333

Tuesdays and Thursdays


Serving the Community

Tuesday : 1 - 2PM

Thursday : 9 - 12PM

 Saturday : 9 - 12PM

Food pantries are often the only source of free healthy and nutritious food in a neighborhood, and they often provide other critical resources such as nutrition education, health screenings, seasonal food baskets and back to school supplies. The Peret Food Pantry’s mission is to directly serve local residents who suffer from hunger and food insecurity within a specified area.


Each week, we are blessed to distribute nearly 5,000 lbs of food to individuals and families throughout Fairfield and New Haven County. 

Volunteers at Food Bank

Pantry Logistics

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

8AM - 12PM

In order to coordinate a high quality distribution three times a week, a strong logistics team ensures that the pantry has all that it needs for its distribution days. Logistics include the pick up of food from partner super markets, set up and clean of the pantry and organization of donated items in order and in preparation for distribution.

Donating to the Pantry

If you are interested in coordinating canned food drives at your workplace or institution and would like to donate proceeds to the pantry, please let a team member know ahead of time so that we can coordinate with you. Contact us today to learn more about our clients' needs.

Food Box Delivery
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